Let's Talk Planner Inserts: The Classic Range

Let's Talk Planner Inserts: The Classic Range

The Classic range is minimal, understated and comes in a wide range of layouts. This range is partially labelled to help you get started, but it’ll still give you some room to tailor them to suit your lifestyle. Here are some of my favourite things about the Classics….

Clean and modern feel to your planner

I’m so picky about my planner pages. I was one of those students who would just have to cut out a page in my exercise book if it looked wrong. I like things to match, well… not to an obsessive amount, but just enough to make it at least look like I know what I’m doing. When these inserts are used together, they match my dividers, the text on my inbox dashboard, and it makes a little part of me squeal with delight. Don’t judge me!

A clear purpose for your pages

One of the things I like about these inserts is having a clear title at the top of the page, which admittedly seems like a very small thing, but when it’s alongside the bulk of my grid inserts, these stand out nicely. They help to organise your scribbles into sections, and should give you that peace of mind that information has been squirrelled away safely.

Ideas for planner content

One of the things I love about owning a planner shop is the suggestions for products I get. I love creating custom inserts, and sometimes those become my new personal favourites. New inserts give you new ideas for things to track, lists to keep, and just generally keep your planning fresh. Are you in a planner rut? Have a look at the Classic range and see what your planner is in need of!

Very little setup needed

Personally, I love sitting down to colour in header boxes and add stickers to my week to set it up, but in those busy periods, I just love being able to open up my planner and start using it straight away. With the Classic range, all you need to do is add any headings you might like and you’re ready to go. Simple!

Lots of variations

One of my favourite things about the Classic range is the variety of layouts it has. I had such fun creating these! Whatever your preference for layouts, there should be something in the range for you, and if there isn’t I’d love to hear your suggestions! One of my favourite things is designing new products, so if there’s something you’d like to see added to the Classic range, give me a shout at ellie@sortstuffout.co.uk and I’ll make it happen.

Head to the products section to see which layouts could work for you…

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